Corn planting is only 25% complete Northeastern South Dakota, a common situation across the South Dakota.
Farmers have faced a slow start to spring, grappling with heavy snowfall and a late, cool season. Field work and fertility preparations were significantly delayed, leaving little progress in April.
While some farms benefited from vested drainage ways, allowing quicker field access, recent rains caused further planting delays. However, with anticipated heat and sunshine, farmers are determined to maximize planting efforts. The memory of recent prevent plant situations from wet springs drives them to utilize every available acre.
Sprayers have now entered the fields, targeting emerging weeds with pre-emergent herbicides on soybean acres. Cold weather delays weed growth on corn acres, reducing the need for pre-emergent herbicide applications.
Areas with poor drainage and lacking drain tile systems face even greater planting delays. Farmers must carefully monitor weather conditions to optimize planting windows in these regions.
South Dakota farmers' resilience shines through as they adapt to the challenges. Overcoming a slow start to spring, they press forward, eager to make the most of the remaining planting season. Determined to avoid prevent plant scenarios, they are committed to planting every possible acre. With their unwavering spirit, these farmers demonstrate their dedication to ensuring a successful harvest despite the adversities faced.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-frankoppermann
Categories: South Dakota, Crops, Corn