Farmers in Minnesota and South Dakota are making progress toward getting fields planted, including some acres into corn.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Crop Progress report released Monday, May 1, reflecting conditions on April 30, showed that planting is starting to move — albeit slowly. Iowa had 4.9 days suitable for field work; Minnesota had 1.6; Montana had 4.9; North Dakota had 2.2; and South Dakota had 3.9.
Farmers in Minnesota had planted 5% of their expected corn acreage, compared to the five-year average of 23%. South Dakota farmers also got into some corn fields, notching 1% of acres, compared to 10% on average. Iowa's pace is slightly behind at 29%, compared to 34% on average.
The 18 states reporting corn progress in the report are right on the five-year average, at 26%.
While no progress has been made in South Dakota — behind the five-year average of 3% — and North Dakota — normal report for this date — their neighbors have begun planting the crop. Minnesota was at 1% planted, compared to an average of 8%, and Iowa was at 16%, compared to 15% on average.
The 18 soybean reporting states were ahead of the 11% average with 19% planted.
Minnesota and North Dakota still have yet to begin planting sugarbeets, compared to five-year averages of 25% and 19%, respectively. Other top sugarbeet states had made more progress. Idaho, with 71%, lags its five-year average of 88%, while Michigan is moving quickly, with 76% planted compared to an average of 45%.
North Dakota farmers got 1% of oats acreage planted this week, compared to an average for the date of 6%. Minnesota, 10%, and South Dakota, 28%, still lag their respective averages of 28% and 39%, while Iowa has planted 85% of acres, compared to 77% on average.
Photo Credit: istock-urpspoteko
Categories: South Dakota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Sugar Beets