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Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Training to Be Held in Huron

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Training to Be Held in Huron

There is an environmental training session for operators of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) on June 28, 2023, at the Crossroads Convention Center in Huron, South Dakota.

Registration is 8:30 a.m. CST with the program starting at 8:45 a.m. and concluding at approximately 4:45 p.m.

Specialists from SDSU Extension, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service are offering the training.

“Past attendees of this program have come away with at least one new practice they consider adopting related to land application, livestock feeding, air quality or soil conservation,” said Bob Thaler, distinguished professor and SDSU Extension Swine Specialist.

Speakers will include Thaler on livestock nutrition options for altering nitrogen and phosphorus content of manure; John McMaine, assistant professor and SDSU Extension Water Management Engineer on water quality; Jason Roggow, natural resources engineer for the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources on the South Dakota DANR livestock permit program; Anthony Bly, SDSU Extension Soils Field Specialist on managing nitrogen and phosphorus in land applications of manure; Kent Vlieger, soil health specialist with the United States Department of Agriculture NRCS on soil erosion and infiltration; and Xufei Yang, SDSU Extension Environmental Quality Engineer on air quality and odor.

To register, visit and search “CAFO” or the Event Page. Registration is $50 and includes lunch, breaks and training materials. The Crossroads Convention Center is located at 100 Fourth St. S.W. in Huron.


Photo Credit: istock-123ducu

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Categories: South Dakota, Livestock

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