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May calving - SDFB summer series kickoff

May calving - SDFB summer series kickoff

By Scout Nelson

The South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) is launching its Summer Event Series, a comprehensive initiative aimed at providing farmers and ranchers with educational opportunities. These events, organized by county Farm Bureaus in collaboration with SDFB, aim to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking among agricultural professionals.

The Summer Event Series in South Dakota offers a variety of activities for farmers and ranchers, including seminars and workshops, allowing them to engage with industry experts, exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore innovative solutions to common challenges.

The Event Series will feature a discussion on the economic and environmental benefits of adopting May calving, hosted by SDFB District 5. The event, scheduled for May 23, 2024, will provide insights on strategies and pasture tours, allowing participants to learn about the practice in action.

The event will start at 9:30 a.m. with a session on the economics and practices of May calving. Afterward, a tasty lunch will be served. Attendees can then join a guided pasture tour to witness the benefits of May calving firsthand and interact with experts.

The venue, Wedge Tent Ranch, located at 14596 State Highway 73 in Faith, South Dakota, offers a scenic backdrop for discussions on sustainable livestock management. Its welcoming atmosphere fosters meaningful conversations and networking opportunities among attendees.

For those interested in attending this informative event or seeking further information, Clay Conry at 605-645-0688 or Lowell Mesman at 605-280-1319 are available to help and address any inquiries.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-diane-kuhl

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Categories: South Dakota, Education, Livestock

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