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ND & MN Wheat Planting Lags; SD Nearing Completion

As we enter the second week of June, updates on planting pace for spring wheat and durum are normally done, but this year producers continue to work on planting their wheat crops after a delayed start to planting and slow progress due to wet conditions, reports the North Dakota Wheat Commission.

While some producers are finished planting their wheat, others report they are half done or less. Planting progress varies quite a bit across North Dakota depending on location, spring weather and soil moisture conditions. Many producers indicate they will continue planting through the current week. However, some fields are simply too wet to plant any crop and planting past June 10 or 15 is not an ideal option in an already short growing season.

This week's USDA Crop Progress report showed that approximately three-fourths of North Dakota's intended spring wheat acres are planted, up from 59% a week ago, but well below 97% on average. Rain over Memorial Day weekend caused delays for many producers. The forecast for the current week indicates below normal temperatures and scattered chances of precipitation. Emergence of the crop is also behind, with about a third of the spring wheat emerged, behind the average of 81%. While the excess precipitation in areas has hindered planting progress, it has been beneficial to get crop development off to a good start, especially after last year's drought conditions.

Durum producers continued to make progress on planting this year's crop with just over 60% planted, up from 46% a week ago. Most of the durum in the southwest part of North Dakota has been planted, but planting continues in the northwest and progress varies quite a bit depending on rainfall amounts. Some producers report being done with planting, while others are struggling to make progress due to wet conditions. Some acres may go unplanted due to wet conditions and the lateness of the season. Many producers will continue to plant through the next week. Emergence is at just under 30% versus 70% on average.

In Minnesota, 85% of the wheat crop has been planted, compared to 100% last year and 98% for the 5-year average. Producers report 33% of the crop has emerged compared to 100% in 2021 and 92% for the g-year average.

South Dakota producers are finishing up wheat planting with 98% complete, comparable to last year's 100% and 98% average. Wheat emerged is reported at 91 percent, near the 96% reported last year and 94% on average.

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Wheat, North Dakota, Crops, Wheat, South Dakota, Crops

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