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Strong crop growth in South Dakota

Strong crop growth in South Dakota

By Scout Nelson

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service has provided an optimistic update for South Dakota's agriculture for the week ending June 16, 2024. Farmers enjoyed six full days suitable for fieldwork, contributing to strong crop and pasture conditions across the state.

Topsoil and subsoil moisture levels were largely beneficial, with a substantial majority rated as adequate or surplus. This moisture foundation has supported excellent growth conditions for various crops.

Corn has shown exceptional progress, with 66% of the crops rated good and an additional 12% excellent. Although the emergence of corn at 90% is slightly behind last year, it is still close to the five-year average.

Soybeans are also faring well, with 67% rated good and 8% excellent. Planting completion stood at 95%, and emergence is nearly on track with historical averages.

Winter wheat conditions are robust, with 57% rated good and 13% excellent. The crop is also showing better development compared to last year, with 89% headed.

Spring wheat and oats are progressing well, with the majority of these crops in good to excellent condition. Spring wheat heading is on par with the average, while oats heading is significantly ahead.

Sorghum and sunflowers are seeing healthy plantings, with sorghum emergence and heading surpassing averages, indicating strong growth potential.

Pastures and ranges are in good health, which is important for livestock. Over half of the pasture lands are rated good, with a notable portion in excellent condition, underscoring a promising season for livestock grazing.

Photo Credit -istock-ligora

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Categories: South Dakota, Crops

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