The 13th Annual South Dakota Timed Event Championship (SDTEC), a grand stage for the area’s elite youth rodeo contestants, concluded with an exciting showcase of skills and talents. Seth Gaikowski of Waubay, SD, emerged as the champion, while Tierney Breen of Woonsocket, SD, secured the Reserve All Around winner title.
The championship took place on September 2 and 3 in Huron during the South Dakota State Fair. Sponsored in part by Panhandle, Heine Hybrid, and Double D Western, the SDTEC brought together young rodeo enthusiasts aged 14–19 from across the country.
They competed in six timed events – tie-down calf roping, barrel racing, team roping, goat tying, breakaway roping, and steer wrestling.
Besides the overall winners, the championship celebrated victories in individual categories. Aubrey Moody led in Goat Tying, Paden Belkham achieved top place in Calf Roping, Tyler Esser won in Breakaway Roping, Keylee Zancanella triumphed in Barrel Racing, Tristan Spencer dominated in Steer Wrestling, and the team of Hannah Schubert and Jace Tekrony secured victory in Team Roping.
Dalton Porch of Kadoka, SD, received the honor of having the overall Horse of the Championship. This accolade emphasizes the integral role of horses in these competitions and shines a light on the bond between the rider and horse.
With contestants, their families, and fans flocking to the State Fair, the SDTEC continues to be one of the premier events for spectators. It not only showcases the incredible talents of young rodeo participants but also brings the rodeo community together, celebrating the spirit of competition and camaraderie.
Photo Credit: istock-zhaojiankang
Categories: South Dakota, Rural Lifestyle