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Varied crop conditions in South Dakota

Varied crop conditions in South Dakota

By Scout Nelson

Recently, farmers in South Dakota managed 4.2 days suitable for fieldwork according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture was well-distributed with 1% rated very short, 4% short, 81% adequate, and 14% surplus. Similarly, subsoil moisture was 1% very short, 8% short, 82% adequate, and 9% surplus.

The planting and emergence rates for major crops were a mix of highs and lows. Corn was 84% planted, close to last year's 87% but well above the five-year average of 74%. Only 44% of corn has emerged, trailing last year's 54% and aligning more closely with the 41% average.

Soybeans were 58% planted, lagging last year’s 74% yet near the 57% average, with 17% emerging—well below last year's 29% and slightly below the 22% average.

Winter wheat's condition was robust with 1% very poor, 2% poor, 24% fair, 55% good, and 18% excellent. It was 10% headed, aligning closely with last year's 8% and the 9% average.

Spring wheat showed similar strength in condition with 0% very poor, 2% poor, 13% fair, 79% good, and 6% excellent, and 75% had emerged, on par with the average but behind last year's 84%.

Oats were nearly fully planted at 98%, slightly ahead of last year's 96% and well above the 91% average. The turnover was 80%, close to last year's 82% but ahead of the 75% average.

Sorghum was 43% planted, slightly behind last year's 48% but well ahead of the 33% average. Sunflower planting was slow at 7%, significantly trailing last year's 21% and the 15% average.

Pasture and range conditions remained strong with only 3% rated very poor, 3% poor, 16% fair, 67% good, and 11% excellent, indicating a robust base for livestock grazing.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-eugenesergeev

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