The North Dakota hard red spring wheat crop remains behind normal in development, but continues to show very high crop condition ratings. Favorable weather and soil moisture conditions continue to benefit the crop, although high humidity and warmer temperatures have elevated disease pressures across the state, and grass hopper pressures remain higher than normal in areas of the state. The recent stretch of above normal temperatures has helped to accelerate crop maturity, but much of the crop remains 2 to 3 weeks behind normal in development.
The crop is currently rated 78 percent good to excellent, and just 2 percent poor, down marginally from the previous week when 80 percent was rated good to excellent. Compared to surrounding states, North Dakota has the highest crop condition ratings with Minnesota at 72% good to excellent, South Dakota at 65% and Montana at just 43% due to early season and pockets of ongoing drought in that state. The U.S. spring wheat crop is rated 68% good to excellent, down from 71% the previous week.
Crop progress estimates place 81 percent of the North Dakota crop as headed, this is up from 63 percent last week, but still well behind the normal pace of 96 percent. Nearly all of the crop has reached the jointing stage, with 21 percent turning color which is well behind the normal level for this date of 51 percent. Two percent of the crop is rated fully mature. The U.S. spring wheat crop is 86 percent headed, behind the normal level of 96 percent. Surrounding states are more advanced in crop progress with South Dakota 96 percent headed, Minnesota at 94 percent and Montana at 88 percent.
The North Dakota durum crop had a slight improvement in its overall condition rating, moving to 87% good to excellent, up from 84% the previous week. Recent precipitation has helped to keep soil moisture profiles in adequate condition, and warmer temperatures have promoted good growth. Disease pressures have also escalated, and in pockets higher than normal insect pressures. Producers have been vigilant scouting for disease and insect pressures in the promising crop, and taking necessary management steps to minimize threats. Maturity of the crop has accelerated, but continues to lag normal with just 65 percent headed, compared to the normal level for this date of 95 percent. Just 15 percent of the crop has begun to turn color.
The Montana durum crop declined slightly in condition ratings due to recent above normal temperatures and more limited soil moisture, with 49% rated good, down from 54% good and 5% excellent the previous week. There was no increase in poor to very poor ratings, just more in the fair condition, so overall prospects remain promising, but additional precipitation will be needed. The Montana durum crop is 84 percent headed with 25 percent turning color, near normal for this date.
Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Wheat, North Dakota, Crops, Wheat, South Dakota, Crops, Wheat