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Fieldwork and crop updates for South Dakota

Fieldwork and crop updates for South Dakota

By Scout Nelson

As of October 20, 2024, the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that South Dakota experienced 6.6 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 37% very short, 44% short, 19% adequate, and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture showed similar trends, with 28% very short, 41% short, 31% adequate, and 0% surplus.

Field Crops Report:

Corn condition was reported as 2% very poor, 7% poor, 25% fair, 54% good, and 12% excellent. Around 96% of corn was mature, close to last year’s 99% and the five-year average of 94%. Corn harvested was ahead of schedule at 56%, compared to 45% last year and the 47% average.

The soybean harvest reached 91%, surpassing last year’s 85% and the five-year average of 77%.

Winter wheat conditions were rated 1% very poor, 15% poor, 26% fair, 49% good, and 9% excellent. Winter wheat planting stood at 92%, nearly the same as last year’s 93% and the 95% average. Emergence, however, lagged at 60%, compared to last year’s 66% and the 67% average.

The Sorghum harvest was at 70%, ahead of 61% last year and the 60% average.

Sunflower conditions were 5% very poor, 4% poor, 26% fair, 60% good, and 5% excellent. About 96% of sunflowers had turned brown, ahead of last year’s 86%. Harvest stood at 27%, slightly ahead of last year’s 19% and close to the 24% average.

Pasture and Range Report:

Pasture and range conditions in South Dakota were reported as 21% very poor, 30% poor, 25% fair, 24% good, and 0% excellent.

Photo Credit:gettyimages-eugenesergeev

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Categories: South Dakota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Sorghum, Weather

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