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Harding county's crucial meet on agriculture policy

Harding county's crucial meet on agriculture policy

By Scout Nelson

Harding County recently hosted a significant meeting at a local Buffalo restaurant, where nearly 50 ranchers came together with Rob Larew, President of the National Farmers Union (NFU). The main agenda was to address pressing agriculture issues, especially the reinstatement of mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL), which could ensure fair pricing for cattle producers.

Joe Painter, a fourth-generation rancher, expressed the community's excitement about sharing their lifestyle and challenges directly with someone influential in Washington, D.C. The discussion highlighted how MCOOL would benefit cow/calf producers by providing fair market prices and ensuring transparency in labeling.

During the event, Larew emphasized the critical role of the upcoming Farm Bill in integrating MCOOL. Supported by Senators Rounds and Tester, this bill presents an unprecedented opportunity to pass the labeling law. However, the challenge remains significant with the anticipated leadership changes in the Senate Ag Committee regardless of election outcomes.

The gathering also served as a platform for local ranchers to learn about the potential impacts of the Farm Bill on their operations, particularly in risk management and conservation programs.

Ranchers like Gary Cammack, who has benefited from USDA cost-share programs for infrastructure improvements, shared their experiences and the importance of such support.

The meeting concluded with discussions about the upcoming National Farmers Union Fly-In in D.C., where Harding County ranchers will share their stories directly with congressional leaders. This engagement highlights the ongoing advocacy efforts to address the critical needs of the agricultural community in Harding County.

Photo Credit:gettyimages-luoman

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Categories: South Dakota, General, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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