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South Dakota's Fieldwork Progress and Crop Ratings

South Dakota's Fieldwork Progress and Crop Ratings

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service reports that South Dakota's topsoil moisture is distributed as 14% very short, 35% short, 48% adequate, and 3% surplus, with a similar spread for subsoil moisture.

Delving deeper into the field crops report, here's the overview:

Corn: Majority show favorable conditions. Specifically, 35% of the corn is in good condition while 9% is classified as excellent. The corn dough stage reached 93%, closely mirroring last year's stats. Dented corn was at 62%, slightly ahead of last year. However, mature corn remained on par with the previous year at 9%.

Soybeans: Consistently, 96% of soybeans are setting pods. The soybean's general health showcases 38% in good condition and 8% excellent. Remarkably, 21% of soybeans have begun dropping leaves, signaling progress.

Wheat: Winter wheat planting surged ahead at 8%, showing a significant rise from last year's 2%. Meanwhile, spring wheat harvesting is nearing completion at 97%.

Oats: Harvesting of oats has reached 100%, surpassing last year's record.

Sorghum: In terms of health, 42% of sorghum is doing good while 7% is classified as excellent. The sorghum coloring stage reached 74%, surpassing last year's figures.

Sunflowers: These show a bloom of 98%. 40% of ray flowers are dry, and 5% of bracts have turned yellow.

Lastly, pasture and range conditions indicate a healthy outlook with 36% rated good and 11% excellent.


Photo Credit: gettyimages-dietermeyrl

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Categories: South Dakota, Crops

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